S&w Governor Problems - Well, I bought a Smith & Wesson governor a few weeks ago from Gilbert's Guns because they support the site. I found a good deal on Governor and Crimson Trace Laser Sights. The gun arrived at my FFL/gun service within 4 days of ordering it on Thursday. When I first picked it up, I was surprised at how light the pistol was with such a large frame. This is such a big difference from the Taurus Public Defender I used to have but sold because of a safety issue (the locking mechanism set itself without any action on my part - just firing and using the action) before I ever fired it. But I had kept all the ammunition I had collected just in case. So I picked up the gun from the FFL and took it to my favorite place (South Florida Range - Gun Shop, Firearms Training, Ammo) across the street from my Smith's warehouse, and it was that easy! Halfway through, I was shocked to hear the deficiencies caused by the loads I tried - specifically the 45 Colt and 410. I didn't load the parts for a whole month because they were hard, so I decided to leave them until I got the tools. . From Brownell he had recommended "my Smith." I was told it was shipped today. But my first gun was a 45 Colt and dang if that thing didn't feel any sharper recoil than my S&W 460 XVR 5 inch carry gun! I mean it was KABOOM! My hand hurt a little after five shots. But the reality was great, especially with the laser. I ran 10 laps in the 45 Colt first. Five targets with lasers and scopes. The laser was pre-zeroed and the dot was exactly over the desired target. Very good. I also shot five low two handed ones using just the laser and it was the same as using the metal mirrors. Front sight is tritium. To be fair, my first Colt 45 loads were from MagSafe, so it was a defensive load. However, I was surprised because SOME companies don't shoot 45acp or 9mm or even .30-30 hard. But still the loads were very accurate beyond 15 yards. I then tried the 410 using birdshot first. I started out close to about 10 feet and gradually increased the range to about 7 yards. That burden hit hard. I went to 000 Buckshot and to my surprise this load was worth half as much as the other loads, but I found one hole nearby that was crushed so hard it was a group. There was also a large crack in the target which I believe was the ward and shooting cup. I increased the amount to target all the time to see the difference at different levels. The backhand shot sat on the body 15 yards away. It's really good. IN MY OPINION.

The third picture was a rapid fire 45 Colt about 4 yards from the safety. The next pic #4 was my first two loads and I was shocked at the tight groups and also the odd placement of the wad/cup for all of them, around 11am, but one shot was done on purpose. it is low. I ordered a DeSantis holster designed for the "Judge". It was about the same price as the Galco and maybe a bit cheaper than the Galco. I am happy with the holster. It's very comfortable and the design is nice and smooth but not too tight or too loose. But that's not something for the IWB! Too much OWB. The 5th picture was taken with only the 45 Colt loaded but not the MagSafe, in this case it was a commercial load and slightly less powerful. This is correct. I went from 21 feet to 50 feet using only one target. The last picture shows the holster and loads, including the full moon clip. This was a thumbs up to fix it. Picture #1 shows the piece and the various loads that the full moon clip 45 akp has in the rooms. Picture #2 I'm wearing DeSantis under the cover. I really hadn't fastened my seat belt to wear on the road. It's easy for me to comfort myself when I'm at home.

S&w Governor Problems

S&w Governor Problems

The test fired the governor a few months ago and he got the same results as you. I didn't think the recoil was any better than my other big guns. I thought it was a very capable and effective gun when using mixed loads. Enjoy your new addition.

Governors And Flyover 'revolution'

Good luck with that. The perfect "deck brush" to take with you in your car or truck!

Babarock said: Test fired the governor a few months ago and got the same results as you. I didn't think the recoil was any better than my other big guns. I thought it was a very capable and effective gun when using mixed loads. Enjoy your new addition. Click to expand... I took it back to the range tonight. I think the sharper recoil is due to the CT laser handles being thinner as well. If they were thicker and rebound like my 460's this wouldn't be a problem at all.

I've had mine for two months and your review is spot on. I use moonclips with the 45acp, but I bought a tool, the original Moonclip tool, and it makes it easier to use the clips. I carry a 45 butt with a protective 410 shell loaded with three discs and pellets. It has become one of my favorite guns and the 45 acp makes sense for sale. A friend brings a ruler as a gift on a gold hunt.

Hcrtex said: I've had mine for two months and your review is spot on. I use moonclips with the 45acp, but I bought a tool, the original Moonclip tool, and it makes it easier to use the clips. I carry a 45 butt with a protective 410 shell loaded with three discs and pellets. It has become one of my favorite guns and the 45 acp makes sense for sale. A friend brings a ruler as a gift on a gold hunt. Click to expand... I sent the moon tool and turret from Brownells and it's good again. Tonight I shot the full moon piece for the first time and I will call Smith & Wesson customer service tomorrow. After using the first clip, the empty case remained inside the cylinder! I couldn't stop them until I put the ejector rod on the table and slammed the luggage down. Coincidentally! If that were true, I'd be dead if I had to reload. I think I'll stick with $410,000. It is, however, an up close and personal piece.

For Sale At Smith & Wesson: Guns, And A Healthy Dose Of Fear

He sent the governor to the range again in the evening. Soon it will be on its way back to the factory for repairs! It trapped, shot and delivered a total of 45 donkeys and 410 of all kinds of bait. But last night I tried the 45ACP for the first time in a full moon clip. Before he fired, the pieces slid in and out smoothly. After removing 6 loads of MagSafe (my usual load here in South Florida) I tried removing the finished cases and....IT WAS HARD AND GOOD! I had to tape the end of the ejector rod and use my WEIGHT for about 15 minutes to remove the clip from the cylinder. So today I called Smith customer service and they are sending me a waybill to ship to the factory. ~SIGH~ I really like this shot too. The difficulty of the 000 Buckshot groups is unbelievable even down to 30 meters, they all sat in the center of the mass. There was one ragged hole about 15 meters up. I hope they can resolve this satisfactorily. I just carry it with 000 Buckshot and Colt loads.

ExSoldier said: Took it back to the range tonight. I think the sharper recoil is due to the CT laser handles being thinner as well. If they were thicker and rebound like my 460's this wouldn't be a problem at all. Click to expand... It could be. The unit I tested had handles and they were thick and a little soft. Sorry

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